The Java platform for the Modern Cloud Enterprise
Develop, deliver, optimize and manage Java applications with the certainty of performance, security, value and success.

Platform Core™
(formerly Zulu Enterprise)

Platform Prime™
(formerly Zing)
azul platform core™:The world’s #1 supported builds of OpenJDK

Switch to Azul

Secure, stable, protected,

Massively compatible

Verified TCK
standards compliant
Join the hundreds of customers who have made the switch to Azul to reduce their costs while improving the performance of their Java estate.
Azul is the only Java leader besides Oracle that delivers stable quarterly security-only patches alongside full updates that combine bug fixes, new features, and security patches. Security-only builds are simpler to deploy, making it easier to keep your Java applications secure, stable and regression-free.
Java on your terms. More versions – Java 7, 8, 11, 13, 15 and 16 – on more platforms: Windows, Linux, macOS, Solaris, servers, desktops, and Docker containers, plus public and private clouds. Deploy on x86, Arm, MIPS, PowerPC, or SPARC architectures.
Azul Platform Core is verified compliant with Java SE, so your new and existing applications can run without modifications.

Guard your IP

Optimize startup

The best Java runtimes for OEMs & ISVs
Azul indemnifies Azul Platform Core subscribers and protects their software from copyleft contamination.
Azul Platform Core runtimes leverage startup optimization technologies to provide a winning advantage to embedded project teams challenged by tough SLAs.
Azul Platform Core support plans offer redistribution-ready downloadable runtimes, access to all security updates, technical troubleshooting, and a wide set of packaging alternatives. Azul sales will work with you to determine the bundle requirements, support, and pricing model needed to match your requirements.